presens 2.1.0 (2016-07-29)
- last_o2(): new function
- changed code to use measurements::conv_unit() rather than the defunct birk::conv_unit()
presens 2.0.0 (2016-03-14)
- import_o2(): when multiple units of O2 are recorded, the notification has been downgraded from a warning to a message.
- import_o2(): improved speed
- o2_unit_conv(): MAJOR UPDATE: updated so that any O2 unit can be provided as an argument, not just percent air saturation. No longer backwards compatible with v1.0.0.
- o2_unit_conv(): added kPa, ml_per_l, mmHg, and inHg as unit options
presens 1.0.0 (2015-02-11)
- import_o2(): new function
- o2_unit_conv(): new function