birk 2.1.2 (2016-07-27)
- conv_dim(): added notice that conv_dim() is now deprecated in this package and has been transfered to a more appropriate package: measurements
- conv_unit(): added notice that conv_unit() is now deprecated in this package and has been transfered to a more appropriate package: measurements
birk 2.1.1 (2016-07-14)
- conv_unit(): fixed a bug where negative coordinate values were not properly converted
- conv_unit(): fixed a bug where NA values were returned as strings containing "NA"s rather than returning NA when converting coordinate units
birk 2.1.0 (2016-03-05)
- conv_unit(): added dimension: count
- conv_unit(): added unit options: Ma (duration), point (length), carat (mass)
birk 2.0.0 (2016-01-18)
- conv_dim(): new function
- conv_unit(): MAJOR UPDATE: added functionality to accept objects passing character strings for unit parameters (from and to) at the cost of losing ability to use unquoted arguments
- conv_unit(): added unit options: mph_per_sec and kph_per_sec (acceleration), kJ (energy), Sv (flow), fathom and parsec (length), Pg (mass), km_per_day and mi_per_day (speed), km3, mi3, and imp_cup (volume)
- conv_unit(): removed "lb" ("lbs" remains) and the mis-spelled "hectacre" ("hectare" remains)
- Q10calc(): removed function to clarify focus of the package
- summ_stat(): new function
- which.closest(): new function
birk 1.3.0 (2015-02-01)
- conv_unit(): added unit options: angstrom and au (length), light and mach (speed), ul (volume)
- conv_unit(): added "lbs" as a synonym for "lb" (mass)
- conv_unit(): increased efficiency and speed of coordinate unit conversions
- Q10calc(): new function
- range_seq(): new function
birk 1.2 (2014-11-07)
- conv_unit(): added dimensions: angle, coordinate
- conv_unit(): added unit options: hectare (area), R (temperature), dm3 and dl (volume)
- geom_mean(): new function
- minor modifications to conv_unit help page
birk 1.1 (2014-08-29)
- conv_unit(): added dimensions: acceleration, energy, flow, power, and temperature
birk 1.0 (2014-06-26)
- conv_unit(): new function
- se(): new function